ICT for Active Learning
Most schools in urban India today has a state
of the art Computer lab. But how far do teachers use
the resources available to make learning active?
What is Active Learning? Anything
a learner does to learn other than sitting passively
while the teacher talks! Cognitive research tells us
that learning is an active process in which we construct
knowledge. And how do we do that? By shaping and being
shaped by experiences. And what are these experiences?
Experiences that help us engage deeply with materials
by discussing, debating, analysing, evaluating, problem
These experiences can be inside
or outside the classroom . If so, our task as teachers
is to design contexts and materials that provide these
experiences to our learners.
ICT, especially the internet
works as an excellent catalyst for active learning.
The workshops in this series will take you through different
strategies to help you use the internet to facilitate
active learning for your learners.
It will help you plan a detailed
project or lesson integrating webquests for enquiry-based
active learning.
If you think your teachers
or colleagues will benefit from these workshops, call
or mail us at